Monday, February 2, 2009

More of the same...

This is the most boring blog in all of the interweb, but I keep updating so you all know you're not missing a thing.
I crocheted a blanket this weekend.
I sat and watched the entire Superbowl from my couch, after walking to Dumbo in the afternoon (the last part of the return trip is a huge uphill slope). I've been eating spiced food for four days now. I've tried everything said to help induce labor short of castor oil.
I'm going to yoga this morning. Nate's gone to work this morning. My parents are being wonderfully patient watching their ticking time-bomb of a daughter who seems to have lost her clock. They have been here since Wednesday night! Poor things may have to go back to CA before this kid even arrives.
I head to the hospital Wednesday for fetal evaluation tests... to make sure the baby is fine, has enough fluid and is not getting too big.
Thank you for all your sweet notes and well wishes.
xo Karen & Nate


  1. Hang in there, kiddo! Cannot WAIT to hear the good news whenEVer it happens...

    Loads of love from me and Lu!


  2. Hang in there Karen! I'm hoping the baby waits until Wednesday. Some VERY SPECIAL people are born on Feb 4th. (Yes, that's my birthday)

  3. Hi Karen,
    baby Miles will come:o) Thinking of you and wishing you lots of calm, patient, and loving energy.
    love ya,
