Sunday, July 18, 2010

Meeting some dinosaurs

Harper really enjoyed the dinosaur exhibit at the Houston Zoo today. Would have been more fun to be with her cousins. Especially Drew, the dinosaur expert.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

So Close to Talking

Harper is really starting to repeat words and she babbles so much. It's a sweet tone she takes whenever she's saying whatever she's trying to express. Every day there's a new word she tries out. She's got 'yellow', 'blue', 'up' and 'poopoo' down this week. I'm working on convincing her to leave diapers behind, but I think it'll be a while.
She does like to carry her potty around upstairs, usually to the middle of our bedroom. Not quite sure what that's about, but I'm hoping once she starts using the potty for real it will stay in a bathroom.

This morning she carried the step stool over to the sink, climbed up and grabbed a bath crayon off the back of the counter. She was REAL proud of herself. She kept laughing to herself and telling me (I think) that she did it all by herself. What a cutie!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Harper is enthralled with flags right now, so she is loving all the flags out in the neighborhood for 4th of July.
Today we went to the Gillette's to BBQ. Harper loves the whole family as much as we do. She has the best time trying to keep up with Will and Nick.