Monday, August 16, 2010

Boogie Time

Harper is so very into music. She's always loved to dance, but now she's starting to shake her hips, hop from foot to foot and change style with the music. She's also singing a lot more now. I'm amazed at how she sings along to a whole host of songs I've been playing for the past 6 months...some she hasn't heard in over a month.
When she talks, she's more into vowel sounds than the consonants, so I'm constantly trying to figure out what rhymes with what she's requesting. Thank God for sign language. It's really coming in handy. I think it truly cuts down on a lot of frustration and guessing.

Harper is such a happy girl, but she's definitely got an independent streak and she wants what she wants. Now. Over all, though, her disposition can't be beat. Nate and I are constantly amazed at how agreeable and happy she is most the time. She's got a great sense of humor and loves to explore and be surprised.

She loves the outdoors, loves to dig in the dirt, but hates to get dirt on her hands...go figure. She does not seem phased by the 103 degree temperatures, which is tough. She is always on the go, so I just try to keep up, but I'm running out of ideas for indoor play gyms that aren't super crowded.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We're at the phase where it's really starting to become necessary for Harper to use her words.
I know she has them in her head. Most times she refuses to use them until I urge her to.
But today, she picked up her shoes and held them up to me and said, "Ooos, ooos."
We put her shoes on and went for a walk. It was sweet.
I also noticed that she's in a better mood the more I pay attention to her. Tuesday, after we returned from three weeks away, I was running around trying to unpack, do laundry, put the house back in order...she was trying me every moment. Today, we spent the whole day playing... was a total angel.
She's getting to be quite a boogie queen. She's shaking her hips and singing a long. She knows to chorus to quite a large number of songs and I'm always pleased as punch to hear her sing along. She makes my heart smile. I'm a proud mama and a grateful one that she shares my passion for music.

Friday, August 6, 2010